Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cheers to 2014!

So 2014 is here, and everyone's making their own resolutions. I make a lot of resolutions every year, but I'll be honest in saying I always have a hard time following them. This year, I've made more realistic goals and better ways of keeping up with them. Some of these are bigger life changes, others are smaller goals that will make my life easier. I'll be checking in at the end of March, July, October and December with my progress on each of these (mainly, the ones that involve losing weight). 

I have spent most of December reflecting on 2013, and through the support of my family and friends and some professionals, I've come to accept the year's gifts as well as its lessons, and I've decided to spend more time thinking of the future than ruminating on the past.

So, without further ado, here are my goals, in no particular order:
- Lose weight. The ultimate amount of weight I want to lose is somewhere in the ballpark of 70 pounds. This is such a daunting number, that I thought it would be better to divide these up into smaller goals: (1) lose 10 pounds by my trip to Argentina in February, (2) lose 30 pounds by the time I visit Dartmouth again in May for Green Key (3) lose 50 pounds by homecoming 2014 (and the KD Housewarming!) (4) lose 70 pounds by the end of the year (when I go back to Miami for the holidays). I have a fitblr that I use to keep closer track of my progress, as well as a MyFitnessPal account, but I don't think I'll feel comfortable sharing that until I've made more considerable progress.

- Take better care of my hair. I compulsively wash my hair every day, which is so so bad for curly/dry hair. I want to start only washing my hair every other day, using the Living Proof Restore Mask at least once a week, blow-drying my hair before I go to sleep, and generally doing my hair rather than just putting it up in a bun.

- Get my sleeping act together. Aside from the fact that I have sleeping issues in general, I don't have a good sleeping schedule at the moment, which makes it impossible to wake up on time for work. My resolution is to be in bed, lights off, under the covers, at 10 PM, and to actually, physically get out of my bed at 6 AM. I also need a sleep study, but I won't know what I need to do with regards to that until it happens.

 - Organize my spending habits. I don't make a ton of money and living in New York is expensive, so I definitely want to budget my money better. For the sake of privacy, my budget is kept in a private Google Doc, but I'll let you know how well I'm following it throughout the year.

- Organize eating and exercise habits. This is definitely along the lines of the first resolution, but aside from reducing amount of calories consumed, I also want to make sure I'm getting the appropriate nutrients. I also have very specific goals from working out. This resolution will require its own blog post later on.

 - Organize my time after I get home from work. Every work day when I get home, do one hour of daily stuff (eating, dishes, teeth, etc), one hour of something needed (cleaning, going to rite aid, gym, etc) and half an hour organizing work stuff for the next day.

- Plan things to do with other people, and reach out to other people.  I'm going to actively invite other people to do things with me, and I' m going to stop turning down invitations to things. I'm going to reach out to those friends that live far away from me and keep up the friendships that matter to me. Additionally, I'm going to stop getting upset over friends that naturally grow apart. It happens. Life goes on.

- Read more books! At least two a month, for a total of 24.

- Travel. I include this one because I already know it'll be completed. I'm traveling to Buenos Aires in February, and hopefully the rest of the year will bring along many more sights.

- Blog more. I have so many things I want to write about.

Here's to hoping for a fabulous 2014! Cheers!

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